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Subsurface scattering

Subsurface scattering or SSS, is a method of handling light that is halfway between polygon rendering and volumetric rendering. In essence, it assumes that any given object is slightly translucent. This translucence is used as a depth calculation. Raycast or raytraced light beams striking the surface of a polygon do not immediately bounce off if the object is reflective. Instead, they continue on very slightly inside the polygon, using the degree of translucency as a guide to how far to penetrate.

Once the target depth is reached, the beam reflects as normal, obeying the rules of diffuse reflection or specular reflection, depending on the settings for that object. It then leaves the object back into the scene, from a point fractionally below the surface of that object. This effect lends considerable realism to a scene, as shadows and dark areas alter depending on the material the object is seemingly constructed from.

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Subsurface scattering


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Prosthetic Control Systems and Grace of Movement
For a great many, the dream of being graceful and smooth of movement - or even not scattering every item on a desk they try to lean over - is something of a fondly held dream. For others, even being able to walk unaided holds a similar place of reverence.

Locally Hosted resource
Large Image Display: A MICA Conference in 2009
The image is of a MICA conference, held in mid 2009, in the VR environment Second Life. It clearly shows the problem with such organisations in worlds such as SL. The sparce scattering of avatars represents less than a quarter of MICA's membership at the time. It also represents al lthe avatars the sim environment could support.


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Molecular motion in proteins comes in three distinct classes, according to a collaboration by researchers at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the University of Tennessee, in research reported in Physical Review ...

On 26th May, Nanyang Technological University's School of Biological Science (SBS) will pioneer the world's first remotely controlled Solution X-Ray Scattering (SAXS) experiment. The experiment will be initiated from Singapore at 4.10pm -...

The lithium-ion batteries that power our laptops, smartphones and electric vehicles could have significantly higher energy density if their graphite anodes were to be replaced by lithium metal anodes. Hampering this change, however, has bee...

The latest evidence suggests that fingerprints process vibrations in the skin to make them easier for nerves to pick up.

They may seem little more than digital decoration, but biomechanics have long known that fingerprints ha...

If typical black paint absorbs about 85% of incoming light, then a newly designed metamaterial that absorbs up to 99% of incoming light may be considered “darker than black." By taking advantage of the unique light-scattering properties ...